Jogging Tips For Weight Loss

August 6, 2022 by: joma12

Jogging is one of the simplest activities that you can start to do for weight loss. In fact, millions of people each day take advantage of this activity to not only lose weight, but also to keep their heart strong, which also serves to improve their health by decreasing their risk to heart disease. Plus, as a side benefit, it is a great way to improve your self-image as well as relieve stress.

To get the most out of your jogging experience, there are some things that you need to know and do. Being aware of these things can be helpful in preventing injuries and getting the most benefit out of your time spent running

Jogging Tips List

Choosing Jogging Shoes Shoes are probably the most important equipment in a joggers gear. You want them to be comfortable and to provide as much support as possible. The shoes do not have to be the most expensive, but you should stay away from the cheapest, since they tend to not to provide the best support for your feet.

Any knowledgeable salesperson can help you make the right choice. Plus, it is helpful to know if you have flat feet or a high arch. This knowledge will help you and the salesperson pick the shoes that offer the best stability and control.

When to Jog If you live in a hot climate, it is best to jog in the mourning or late in the evening when the temperature is at its coolest. Don’t try to be a road warrior and run in the middle of the day. As for the cold, the middle of the day is probably the best, since this is when the temperature is the warmest.

Warm Up Stretch your muscles before you start jogging– and not just your legs.
Jogging involves your whole body, so stretch your back, arms, and neck as well. You should also try some brisk walking before you actually start jogging. This and any type of activity to warm up your muscles will help to prevent injuries.

How to Breathe Most joggers take breathing for granted. To get the most out of your jog, pace your breathing. Try to breathe in and breathe out rhythmically every three or four steps. You don’t need to over exaggerate the process, as this will only serve to tire you out faster.

Also, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. For more advanced runners, you may want to just breathe in and out through your nose. However, under no condition should you breathe with just your mouth.

Stay Hydrated Your body can lose water very quickly when jogging, especially when it’s hot. To keep from getting dehydrated, drink plenty of water before you jog. Just don’t try and guzzle a lot down right before you start. The extra weight on your stomach can be unsettling.

Instead, make sure you are drinking enough during the day. And if you like, you can take a small bottle with you while you are jogging. This is definitely a necessity if it happens to be warmer than normal when you are jogging.

What to Eat It’s best to have a light meal on your stomach before jogging. Many people think that it is better to run on an empty stomach, but, in addition to fat, all this serves to do is burn muscle as energy.

To keep this from occurring, a small carbohydrate rich meal is all that is necessary to help to preserve your muscle. Just remember to give yourself about 30 minutes to an hour to let digestion take place before you start to run.

What To Wear In humid and warm weather climates, dress light. This helps to dissipate heat from your body more easily. And since some material is also better for dissipating heat, it is best to wear a mesh-like material as oppose to cotton or other materials that hold in heat.

For colder climates, it is important for your muscles to stay warm. This being said, it is best to dress in layers. A jogging suit along with some light thermal underwear is fine. Of course, you do not need something so elegant. A pair of sweat pants or sweat shirt will do nicely.

Also, it would be wise to invest in good quality winter running gear that allows sweat to escape from your body without letting in cold air. Many new fabrics are designed to do just that, all without adding bulk and weight.

Of course you will also need a cap and some gloves. The thickness of each will depend on how cold the temperature happens to be at the time. Light running gloves may suffice for above freezing weather, but as it becomes colder you will probably want something thicker.

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