muscle workouts [WATCH]: Ultimate Biceps Workout – INSANE NEW EXERCISES! Many claim to have the Ultimate “Biceps Workout” but few can back it up. Using the same old exercises and nothing unique in their approach to training “biceps” has led to a bunch of videos that fall flat in their attempt to be worthy of the hype. Not so with the AthLEAN-X Ultimate Biceps Workout. See how standard biceps curls can be made 50 times more difficult...

September 2nd, 2012

muscle building [WATCH]: Biceps Workout – The 3 Best Biceps Exercises Go Here Now To Download Your Free Bonus Biceps Workout- The 3 Best Biceps Exercises In this biceps exercise video, I will introduce you to the 3 most important mass building exercises to work your biceps. The exercises will still work your overall arm including forearms, but the majority of the stress will be placed n the biceps. Most people struggle to make gains in this...

August 14th, 2012