Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Just eat only healthy food so that you provide all the nutrients which your baby needs and you’ll have no problems.You need to have good variety in your diet, and just get the healthiest food that you can buy. That’s a Win-Win situation, for both you and your baby, otherwise you both suffer.Your baby could be unhealthy, and you could get fat for the rest of your life, or at least have a...

July 23rd, 2024

Weight-Lifting Repetitions – Fast Or Slow?

Many people go about their workout routines without knowing whether to do their lifting repetitions quickly or slowly. Knowing at which rate you should perform your lifts is one of the most important aspects of building muscle. Is a fast rate better than a slow rate? The answer is that neither rate is better than the other. They just give you different results. The real question is: which rate is best...

July 17th, 2024

Weight Gain and Insomnia

Sleep is an inevitable condition of a living body. Without sufficient sleep a person tends to suffer from insomnia. It is a condition which is associated with poor health and weight gain. In the present fast moving technological atmosphere people are deprived of good night sleep. The use of television, internet, and cell phones keeps the brain busy through out the day leading to poor health, accumulation...

July 11th, 2024

Weight Gain During Perimenopause

It use to be 5 pounds were easy to lose. A couple of weeks on a diet, an extra aerobic class and it was gone. Chances are if you a 40+ woman, 5 pounds now turns into 6, then 7 and so on, and so on. Our bodies are not letting us get away with that extra slice of cake anymore. Sometimes it seems even if you are doing everything right, the weight won’t come off. A good diet is essential for losing...

June 25th, 2024

Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight

One of the biggest fears smokers have about quitting is that they will gain weight. We hear horror stories of quitters putting twenty, thirty or even forty pounds on, and worry that the same will happen to us. But is it really necessary to put weight on when you quit smoking? And does weight gain depend on the method used to stop? I believe there are three main reasons that many people gain weight...

April 28th, 2024

Build Muscle – Amazing! How to Gain Body Weight! Start Today

As amazing as it may seem, with obesity being the global problem that it is, and with the world’s population now heavier than in any previous decade, there are some of us who are actually underweight and desperately need to gain body weight. The reasons for this can vary greatly, from low birth-weight translating into low weight as an adult; inadequate nutrition or malnutrition when young; lack...

April 16th, 2024

Loose Pounds, Feel Better and Live Well

Weight Loss is a byproduct of healthy living.  When you loose pounds, that does help you feel better, more energetic, and healthier, but it is only part of the picture. What Weight Loss Does for You Even a small difference in your weight, if you are overweight, can have a positive effect.  You don’t have to think in “all or nothing” terms.  A 10% decrease in your total weight can: • Lower...

March 13th, 2024

Muscle Building

To begin with, that the traditional three meals a day with the inevitable snacking in between gives somewhere in 2000-2500 calories. Almost no one “weak hearted” lover, sitting on such a diet is not able to build a decent mass. So, if you train exactly in line with my requirements, good sleep, live stress free and yet not growing, you do not have enough calories. That’s all. In order...

February 8th, 2024

Weight Lifting For Wrestling

The term “weight lifting” specifically refers to the lifts contested in an Olympic lifting competition- the clean and jerk and the snatch. Although these happen to be two great ways to increase a wrestlers’ power, I have observed that the wrestlers that I train struggle to learn the proper technique. I blame this on the fact that I do not have a thorough background with the Olympic...

January 9th, 2024

Vital Strategies and Steps to loose weight

In this growing and changing world every person is busy in their own commitments. The goals and objectives in life make people eager to keep working. These days there is too much competition in each and every field. A person is not able to concentrate in his or her health. At times due to over stress and improper health a person may suffer from various diseases like- asthma, heart diseases, cancer...

December 24th, 2023

Weight Lifting Program For Beginners – Weight Lifting For Newbies

Are you considering lifting weights to have a great physique? Since you are just starting out, you should follow a weight lifting program for beginners to help you. Having a sound program will ensure you of the best results and have you doing things correctly right from the get go. Click Here For Weight Lifting For Newbies Instant Access Now! You should however get checked by your doctor first before...

December 14th, 2023

Body Building

Body building is one of the many ways on how to sculpt or modify your body by transforming the fats in your body into large muscles. Building muscle is achieved through comprehensive muscle hypertrophy, or the scientific term that means the boost of muscle cells. There are a lot of ways to build your muscles; probably one of the most common and effective forms of body building is weight training. Weight...

September 2nd, 2023