Why Does Loose Skin Remain After Weight Loss?

November 11, 2018 by: joma12

When a person has to lose a great deal of weight, especially in a single area such as the belly, one of the biggest concerns they have is the formation of large amounts of loose skin. While such a concern should not stop you from losing weight because of all the high risks associated with obesity, it is still a very real concern that many people are going to have to face. But why exactly does all that loose skin form. When you lose weight, why doesn’t it just shrink back? Primarily, it is due to the elasticity of the skin.

As weight is gained and pounds of fat are added on to the body, the skin has to stretch to accommodate all that extra mass. While genetics can play a factor in the elasticity of skin, there are other factors that are much more important. When a person is young, the skin is very elastic and has the potential to stretch and shrink back, but that elasticity steadily fades as the person ages.

Bad habits can also play a part in the aging of the skin. For example, a person who smokes tends to have skin that behaves as being much older than it is. The smoke actually increases the rate of aging of the skin, making it much less elastic than it could be otherwise. The same is true of heavy sun exposure, and, to a lesser extent, diet.

Skin health is directly correlated with the types of foods that you are feeding your body. To help improve the quality of your skin, you will want to stay fully hydrated and take in a balanced range of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins C and E are especially important when it comes to skin health.

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