Working Out But Gaining Weight

February 19, 2022 by: joma12

You have started to exercise with one goal in mind – to lose weight. However, after a few weeks of exercise you discover that you are only gaining weight when you should be losing it. Don’t get yourself discouraged though. There are a couple of reasons why this could happen. Hopefully, you are experiencing increased weight because your muscles have started to grow. We all know that the same muscle volume weighs more than the same amount of fat volume and this could be the reason why your weight has increased. Instead of watching at the scales all the time, start measuring yourself. Scales can tell lies, but your waist and the way the clothes fits should be the best proof that you are actually burning fat.

The other reason why you are gaining weight could be that you allow yourself to eat more because of increased physical activity through exercises. The equation for weight loss is very simple and that is to spend more energy than you take. With exercise you are increasing your energy expenditure, but maybe you have increased your food volume just enough to have about the same ratio of energy expenditure to energy intake. Remember, your muscles will grow with exercise, and perhaps this is where you’ll get that weight increase?

In addition to exercising regularly and counting calories, you should also take better attention to what you eat and how you eat. It is generally recommended to eat more meals per day, like five or six. Spreading the meals throughout the day this way will ramp up your metabolism and instead of storing calories in forms of fat, it will burn them more often. You should also avoid foods that are rich in fat and simple or bad carbohydrates. Fat has high caloric value. One gram of fat yields nine calories and one gram of carbohydrates yields only four. It is a common misconception that foods rich in carbohydrates will make you fat, but the truth is that foods rich in calories in the form of fats is low in volume and you will have to eat more food volume in the form of carbohydrates to satisfy your stomach. Try to eat low fat foods and foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates because the body spends more calories just to digest them.

You should also try to avoid sugary drinks and drink plenty of water. Water aids in digestion, keeps you from getting bloated, improves metabolic function, alleviates fluid retention and decreases your appetite.

Do you want to read more about proper exercising and nutrition for weight loss?
If so, download my free guides on how to burn fat and stay fit forever.

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