You Can Stop Smoking Without Weight Gain

May 24, 2022 by: joma12

Smoking is dangerous to our health. It can bring about lots of serious diseases to the body. However, many people still choose to continue smoking even though they are fully aware of the negative consequences of this habit. A prime reason is the fact that some smokers are afraid of gaining weight as soon as they get rid of their smoking habit.

Some smokers who quit don’t gain weight

Contrary to popular misconceptions, you can stop smoking without weight gain. In fact, not everyone who decides to stop smoking will gain some weight. Based on studies, some people are prone to gain more weight than others. These include people who have smoked for as much as ten or twenty years and smokers who consume at least a pack of cigarette on a day to day basis.

Among the pertinent reasons why quitting your smoking habit can probably contribute to weight gain are as follows:

a. Nicotine keeps your body weight very low. If you stop smoking, your body will eventually return to its normal weight. The normal weight will refer to your original weight if you have not smoked at all.

b. Nicotine helps you rid your body’s water a lot faster than people who don’t smoke. If you stop smoking, you might gain some weight because of water retention. However, water retention because of smoking will only last for as much as two weeks after you quit.

c. The act of smoking burns some calories in your body. If you stop smoking, your body will use fewer calories than what it needed before.

Despite these conditions, many people can stop smoking without weight gain. You will just have to eat healthy foods and engage in more physical activities. Believe it or not, your determination to quit smoking and prevent weight gain can lead you to a healthier lifestyle.

What to do when you gain weight

You can stop smoking without weight gain if you do it earlier, preferably before smoking becomes an addiction or an inevitable part of your day-to-day living. Remember that the earlier you quit smoking and the lesser the amount of cigarettes that you consume everyday, the lesser will be your weight gain.

On the average, people who gain weight after they quit smoking can get as much as ten pounds of extra fat added to their bodies. In cases where weight gain has occurred, here are some tips that you should remember.

a. Never panic. Gaining eight to ten pounds after smoking is normal. Unfortunately, you are not one of those lucky few who can stop smoking without weight gain. However, keep in mind that you are bound to lose that weight as soon as your body’s metabolism adjusts to the absence of nicotine in your body.

b. Eat right. Never let yourself go hungry. If you are not among the lucky quitters who can stop smoking without weight gain, you have to eat frequently, but in small amounts. This method of eating will help you maintain a high energy level. Also, avoid eating foods that are rich in calories. Try to eat those that are rich in fiber and nutrients. These include fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.

c. Avoid drinking beverages with alcoholic content. People can stop smoking without weight gain if they avoid indulging in activities that can bring high doses of calories to their body. Drinking alcohol is one of these activities.

Stewart C
About the Author:

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