Eat Right After You Lift

July 2, 2023 by: joma12

Many gym rookies think that just watching themselves execute six mediocre bicep curls in the mirror will make them bigger and stronger. These are the people who scratch their heads in wonder because they show no progress after starting their lifting program. I am here to tell you that lifting weights alone will not give you results. If you are one of these people, you need to change your mindset right here and right now! It is critical not only to have proper lifting technique and consistency, but also to eat, and eat conscientiously after your workout.

The innocent victims I have mentioned above are lacking one of two important qualities: knowledge about WHAT to eat after lifting and knowledge about WHEN to eat after lifting. I will first address the problem of what you should eat after a workout, followed by when you should eat it.

I should first mention that if you are not drinking at least 8 ounces of water for every hour you work out, put down the dumbbells and head for the nearest drinking fountain. Water is vital for every function your body performs, and when you are pushing yourself in the gym you need lots of it. Now, the first thing you should be thinking of after a workout is protein! When you lift weights your muscles are being broken down and proteins are the building blocks that will put them back together.

The second thing that should be in your head is carbs. A carbohydrate is your body’s primary fuel source, the same fuel source being consumed during and after your workout. So, what does that leave you with? Fats. Stay away from them, especially if your trying to gain muscle and look better, fats simply impede your goals.

You now know that protein and carbohydrates are what should be ingested after a workout, but what foods supply vast amounts of these at little cost and preparation time to you? One great way to get the nourishment your body deserves after a tough workout is a protein shake.
There are countless kinds of protein shakes, made from many different protein sources. Some include protein powders, raw eggs, or protein shakes from a store. If you prefer to put your own heart and soul into what you eat, make a creative shake at home.

Buy a jug of protein powder from any nutrition or grocery store and add the milk or water, nuts, or your favorite fruits. Simply making a shake at home can motivate you to hit the weights harder and go the extra mile. If you are not one for shakes, it is OK to make a healthy meal stocked full of proteins and carbohydrates too. Meals with high protein and carbohydrates but low in fat include noodles with turkey or chicken, chicken salad, or even a turkey burger.

OK, now you know that you should eat protein and carbohydrates after a workout. But when should you eat them? There is a small window of time that exists when having a protein filled shake or meal that will be most beneficial to you. It is ideal to nourish your protein starved muscles twenty to forty minutes after your workout. For every minute after a workout, your body is less able to use the protein for the muscles you just worked so try to get a good meal as soon as possible after you lift.

Remember, before you go to the gym, make sure you have a plan for what are going to eat and when. After you conceive this plan you can worry about how you look in the mirror. Good luck!

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