How To Train For Muscle Gain!

July 18, 2023 by: joma12

Are you training correctly to make sure that muscle gain will happen?
Muscle grows only if you force it to grow. If muscle is not stressed and forced to respond (by getting bigger) — it will not.
So you must set up your weight training to ensure that you’re progressively overloading your muscles. That is the only way muscle gain will occur.
Overload builds muscle. The more weight you place on your muscles to lift, the more work your muscles must do.One way it handles the additional work is by growing more muscle tissue.
So, if you keep lifting the same weight over time, muscle gain does not occur, it has no reason to.
Your muscles can already handle the weight you’re placing upon it, so there is no need for extra muscle.
However, if you keep increasing the amount of weight you attempt to lift over time, this increase is going to force your muscles to respond and grow.
Of course, you have to provide your muscles with the necessary nutrients like protein and water for muscle gain to happen.But if you train heavy and intensely and also eat a well-balanced, high-protein diet, then gaining muscle will happen as a result.
You should not make building muscle any harder than it has to be.
It comes from lifting heavier weight over time, overloading the muscles.
Then its up to proper nutrition and rest so that the muscle can recover and grow.
This is the basis for gaining muscle. If you continually subject your body to progressively heavier weights, your body will have no choice but to adapt and grow larger, to withstand the stress we are putting it under. It really is that simple.
Problem is, many programs out there are so confusing and complex, you need to be a rocket scientist to understand them. It doesn’t need to be this complex. So let’s break muscle building down to its most basic level, which is to train for strength.
How do we train for strength?
To explain this to you, I want to give you a basic, overview of our energy timeline.
When we exercise we have 3 different types of energy systems. The first system, which is basically the first 0-15 seconds of an explosive activity, is the phosphate region. In this energy range there is very little lactic acid built up. Training in the phosphate system is most beneficial for strength and fast twitch muscle fibres. A typical exercise would be to sprint any distance up to 100m.
The second system, which ranges from 20 seconds to approximately 2 minutes, is known as the lactate region. This is obviously where you build up a lot of lactic acid. This results in that burning sensation in your muscles. Training in this range is ideal for endurance, improving your lactate tolerance, and increasing your anaerobic threshold. The lactate region has very low muscular activation and stimulates more slow twitch muscle fibres. A perfect example would be a 200-400 meter sprint.

About the Author:

researcher, writer, reader

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